Sunday, October 6, 2019

dumping a health hazard

Rubbish dumping is a growing problem in our country. We see heaps of rubbish across the City of Nairobi  and it’s becoming an increasing problem with people littering or dumping domestic and commercial rubbish along the roadside.There’s the mess left near towns by people who’ve been eating fast food and then just dump the leftovers and wrappings out the window.
Chasing rubbish dumpers should become our core business, but we have to clean up first like the Rwandans. We all have a responsibility to protect our environment and keep it clean for a healthy Nation.
It is impressive to see we are starting to get the prosecution process for roadside dumping under way in our City and this is thanks to the county officials who have been arresting dumpers on the streets. 
Better still, people can send vehicle registrations or photos of dumpers in action.We just need eye witness or photographic evidence to confirm the person responsible.”


  1. I think we should change our culture on solid waste management

  2. We need serious waste management systems....
